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Critical Incident Reporting

This page describes how to report critical incidents, including who is responsible for what with regards to critical incidents

Critical Incident Reporting

AGE has an obligation to ensure that its staff, students, contractors, visitors and other persons are, as far as reasonably practicable, not exposed to risks to their health and safety arising out of the Institute’s activities.

AGE is committed to complying with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011, and applicable codes of practice and Australian standards as far as possible.

AGE will ensure that the health and wellbeing of all staff is valued, enhanced and protected through all work practices, the work environment and workplace culture. To this end, AGE fosters a safe and positive learning and work culture by:

  • promoting a learning and work environment that encourages mutual respect and cultural sensitivity;

  • supporting people in the AGE community who are experiencing mental ill-health;

  • providing an environment that encourages staff and students to seek support early if they have declining mental health, and, as appropriate, provide support and adjustments suitable to their work or study needs;

  • providing secure access to physical and virtual environments;

  • protecting personal information unless there is a legal requirement to disclose it;

  • communicating its commitment to student wellbeing and safety;

  • maintaining zero tolerance of negative behaviours, such as bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct;

  • applying the principles of procedural fairness to the investigation of complaints, grievances, appeals and alleged misconduct;

  • monitoring and evaluating health, safety and wellbeing activities and performance to ensure these are effective and continually improved.

AGE enacts these principles through a number of related policies and procedures that may be specific to students and staff:

  • Critical Incident Policy and Procedure

  • Disability Policy and Procedure

  • Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Procedure

  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Framework

  • Incident Reporting and Investigation Procedure

  • IT Usage Policy and Procedure

  • Privacy and Personal Information Policy

  • Risk Management Policy

  • Staff Grievance Policy and Procedure

  • Staff Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures

  • Student at Risk and Early Intervention Policy and Procedure

  • Student Grievances Handling Policy and Procedure

  • Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures

  • Student Support Framework

These policies and any associated procedures are made accessible to students via the policy portals for staff and students.

The Work Health and Safety Officer (WHSO)

AGE has a Work Health and Safety Officer who performs WHS checks and also acts as a first aid officer and fire warden if qualified to do so or will delegate those positions to qualified on site permanent staff.



All staff undertaking work at/for or on behalf of the Institute are responsible for:

  • understanding their responsibilities

  • complying with safe work practices, with the intent of avoiding injury to themselves and othersand damage to facilities

  • taking reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and others

  • complying with any direction given by management for health and safety

  • reporting incidents and any unsafe conditions or issues that come to their attention immediately to their supervisor and/or manager completing all WHS training as required


All students of the Institute are responsible for:

  • taking care that their acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons

  • following directions from their lecturers and/or the WHS officer on WHS issues

  • completing their work in the safest manner as possible complying with Institute Policies and Procedures and reporting any hazards, risks or incidents as they are identified.

Critical Incident Team

The Critical Incident Team is responsible for managing AGE’s response to any critical incident which is considered to have a severe or significant level of risk or, in some cases a moderate level of risk.

This team is convened by the most senior member of staff available at the time of the incident and will convene as soon as possible to plan an immediate response. Once the team is convened, the most senior staff member available (e.g. Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer or Registrar becomes the Head of the Critical Incident Team, or assigns a suitable alternative to head the team.

The team wherever possible will include the following members of staff:

  • Dean (or delegate);

  • Registrar or delegate (where staff are impacted); and

  • other members of staff as deemed appropriate by the Head of the Critical Incident Team (e.g. IT Systems Officer or Finance Officer).

Terms & Definitions

Critical incident: A critical incident is a sudden or developing event which causes disruption to an organisation, creates significant danger or risk and which creates a situation where staff and/or students feel unsafe, vulnerable and/or under stress. Critical incidents require immediate attention and decisive action to prevent or minimise any negative impact.


Designated Officer: Any AGE staff member who is either a witness to, or first to be informed about, an actual or potential critical incident.


Hazard: A source or a situation with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill-health, damage to property, damage to environment, or a combination of these.


Procedural fairness means that the investigation of complaints will:

  • be based on evidence,

  • provide a person who may be adversely affected by a decision an opportunity to present his or her case;

  • require a decision-maker not to have an interest in the matter to be decided and not to appear to bring a prejudiced mind to the matter.


Safety is defined as the control of recognised hazards to achieve an acceptable level of risk.


Wellbeing is characterised by physical and mental health, positive, constructive and engaging relationships, work satisfaction and work-life balance.


For more information, please see the Critical Incident Policy and Procedure

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